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About Us


OrCAN was founded in 2017 as a volunteer-run effort laser focused on state-level policy advocacy at the intersection of climate change and agriculture. Today, we are building an inclusive and collaborative producer driven network, providing educational programming for technical assistance providers, and continuing to advance institutionalized support for soil health that works for a farmer's bottom line. 


With a state-wide bird’s eye view on the landscape of soil health on farms and ranches in Oregon, we work with farmers, researchers, technical assistance providers, non-profits, and policy makers. We have organized hundreds of stakeholders in support of incentivizing best practices for climate resilience in the state.


We are active members of the Oregon Community Food Systems Network, the National Healthy Soils Policy Network, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Western Cover Crop Council.

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Statement

Adapted from Oregon Community Food System Network's Equity Statement


OrCAN acknowledges that our food system is built and maintained on a foundation of oppression and systemic racism of Native peoples, people of color, and immigrants. As an inclusive, collaborative statewide soil health network, we address this historic and systemic inequality by prioritizing the needs of, and shifting power and resources to, producers who have been disempowered within institutions and political systems. We aim to hold ourselves accountable by building relationships with integrity, seeking inclusive participation, and practicing transparency.  

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to convene an inclusive, producer-centered network to promote soil health and climate resilience across Oregon through collaboration, education, and advocacy.

Our Vision Statement

We envision a future where healthy soils are the foundation of thriving food systems in Oregon–reconnecting healthy ecosystems, economies, and communities.

Organizational Values


Equity: We commit to increasing equity so the communities in our network can thrive. 
Justice & Inclusion: We commit to eliminating barriers to resilience so the communities in our network can thrive. 

Stewardship: We recognize that we are all caretakers of our ecosystems, and that as stewards of the land producers have a key role to play in solutions to climate change.


Connection & Community: We lead with collaboration and a shared determination that a better future is both possible and necessary. 


Accountability: We acknowledge when harm has been caused and commit to resilience by taking ownership of our actions and our own need for continual learning. We take proactive action to evaluate our work and hold ourselves accountable, and invite our partners and network members to help hold us accountable to our values. 

Our Work

Our Work


Building a Collaborative, Inclusive, Producer-Centered Network

We bring together state and federal agencies, OSU Extension, OSU researchers, SWCDs, and nonprofits across Oregon to align resources to meet farmers’ needs on the ground. We build relationships inclusive of Black, Indigenous, and other Farmers of Color (BIPOC), small and large scale producers, conventional and organic growers, and more. 


From January-May 2024, twenty-five Oregonians, led by OrCAN, worked together to clarify the structure of an inclusive, collaborative statewide network designed to promote soil health, with a focus on meeting the needs of historically marginalized and under-resourced producers.  Our plans for the network are summarized here. Thanks to all who participated in this process. We are now beginning to secure the resources needed to build the network!

Photo Credit: Stoneboat Farm by Jaime Thrower


Improving Information and Tools and Catalyzing Place-based Technical assistance

With over 37,000 farms across the state, we think the best strategy to reach them is to work with the existing ecosystem of trusted agricultural service providers and influential producers. We see a need for Oregon’s agricultural service provider community to provide a holistic suite of support services, from financial incentives to a variety of educational opportunities, because every farm has different needs. We believe that if producers have adequate technical and financial resources and a network of supportive peers, they are more likely to successfully implement the holistic land management practices and plans that result in healthy soils.


We are collaborating with existing farm service providers in Oregon who farmers trust and rely on—from soil and water conservation districts to beginning farmer education programs. Click here for more information on our Train the Trainer: Farming for Climate Resilience workshops held in 2021, 2022 and 2023.


We’re now planning for the first-ever gathering of Oregon’s agricultural community to promote soil health for climate mitigation and resilience on Oregon’s farms and ranches. OrCAN will host a two-day, in-person, state-wide Conference in early 2025. Our goals are to share state-wide resources, identify gaps and needs, and create opportunities for collaboration. The conference will include speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities, with farm service providers as the primary audience. 


Are you a farmer or farm service provider Interested in participating in OrCAN’s network? Fill out our survey here! By building our network, we’ve identified agriculture producers in each region of the state, representing a variety of farm sizes and types, with interest in a variety of soil health practices.

Photo Credit: Spring Alaska Schreiner of Sakari Farms by Jaime Thrower


Advancing Institutionalized Support for Soil Health and Climate Resilience  

OrCAN is working to create systemic change by advocating for strong policy to advance soil health and climate resilience on Oregon's farms and ranches. During the 2023 legislative session we engaged with farmers and ranchers and the conservation community and successfully advocated for $10M for Oregon’s Natural Climate Solutions Funds, providing financial incentives and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers for the adoption of natural climate solutions, including soil health practices. We are thrilled that the state is providing this support for climate mitigation and resilience on Oregon's farms and ranches and we’re engaging as the State implements these programs. We’ll be advocating for renewal of these funds and other key programs during Oregon’s 2025 legislative session and are simultaneously advocating for federal funding for state soil health programs, which Oregon is well positioned to receive


Our work at both the federal and state levels is focused on providing new opportunities that work for farmers and ranchers in Oregon. As these policies and programs are developed and implemented we’ll do our best to ensure they advance soil health, are practical for farmers, and support an equitable food system--engaging farmers in every step of the process.

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